Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sammy Boy

This is my friend Sam, Sam is one of my oldest and best friends. Me and Sam have played in bands together since like forever, Lived with each other and probably drunk about 600000000000000000000 cans of rum together. I asked Sam if I could shoot some photos of him and he said yes, obviously. Listen to sams band at

Monday, April 12, 2010

Drugs are bad mmmmmmmmmK

I have a phobia of standing on a used syringe, I never go bare foot and always seem to see some kind of intravenous drug paraphernalia where ever i go. I was lurkin around the lake near my house where there are some drainage tunnels. I was actually just looking for some shit graffiti, you know the graffiti you look at and laugh, something like a badly sprayed cock or some lame payout to some dude who will never read it. I spied a discarded needle laying on the ground and snapped a quick photo of it, what I didn't notice until i looked through my camera was a dude chillen in the tunnel who I think was huffing paint. Burleigh Drains must be the place to get wasted. YUUUK